Kkulbeol is the writer of Hero Killer.
Author's Note[]
- “Hero Killer,” is a comic that I poured a lot of love into, so I hope you'll love reading it as well! I plan on tackling various other genres in the future, so be sure to follow me! Until the day I die!
- Hello! It's already been half a year since I started the series. We're going to eat your attention like honey. I'm throwing myself into the studio every day. If it weren't for that, I would have waved carrots all day. Today, I'm going to dedicate an official illustration with gratitude. You've been loving Hero Killer and Ihwa. Please leave a lot of comments to cheer us up!".
Thoughts from Instagram[]
- 안녕하세요! 꿀벌입니다! 올해도 벌써 한 달 정도 밖에 남지 않았네요. 너무 정신 없이 지나가서 기억은 그냥 삭제된 것 같은데, 독자 님들 덕에 기뻤던 감정 만은 선명합니다. 사실 저희들은 최근 여유를 거의 부리지 못 했습니다. 거기엔 몇 가지 이유가 있지 작업 방식의 변경이 가장 컸어요. 그래도 둘 다 처음 히어로 킬러를 시작했을 때와 같은 불꽃을 여전히 가지고 있기에, 다행히 제 자리를 찾아가고 있다는 느낌이 듭니다. 바뀐 환경에도 점차 익숙해지고 있구요! 최선을 다 했다고 생각했지만 돌이켜 생각해 보면 부족한 부분이 참 많았습니다. 몇몇 회차에서 생각했던 것 만큼의 포텐이 나오지 않았을 때도 누구보다 아쉬웠어요. 그래도 오늘 점차 나아지리란 희망을 보고 이 글을 적습니다. 이번 주 마감은 역대급 전쟁이었는데, 아마 앞으로 2~3주 후부터는 본편 퀄리티도 점진적으로 올라 가고 거기에 많이 기다리셨던 일러스트도 이따금 업로드 될 예정입니다! 벌꿀 만세! 여러분들과 함께 해서 따뜻한 겨울입니다! 저희 더 열심히 해볼게요!
+벌꿀 님의 확인 후에 일부 수정됐습니다.[1]
- It's Kkulbeol! There's only about a month left this year. It seems like memories was just erased because it passed so hectic, but the readers' feelings were happy are clear. In fact, we've hardly been able to relax lately. There are a few reasons why a change in working methods is the most hated.
But I still have the same spark I had when we first started ‘’Hero Killer’’ though, fortunately I feel like I'm finding my place. Gradually getting used to the outside environment! I thought I did my best, but when I look back, there were many parts that were missing. Even though a couple of rounds didn't get as many hugs as I thought, I was more than anyone. Still, I write this today with the hope that it will gradually get better.
This week's closing was a war of all time, but probably from the next 2-3 weeks, the quality of the original version will gradually increase, and the long-awaited illustrations will be uploaded soon! Hooray already! It's a warm winter with you guys! We will try harder!
+Some corrections were made after Mr. Balleung's confirmation. (Translated into English from Google Translate)
- 꿀벌입니다! 오늘은 짧은 이야기를 풀어보려 해요. 이 친구를 한 마디로 정의하자면 불운한 천재라고 할 수 있겠네요. 이화보다 앞서 있는 능력치들이 되게 많지만 대진운도 그렇고 뭔가 운이 안 따라주는 그런 친구입니다. 그런데 재밌는 건 그게 바로 제가 양진태를 아끼는 이유 중 하나 입니다. 실력 있는 강자. 심지어 그걸 모두가 알고 있는데도 어딘가 졸렬하고 왠지 모를 열등감에 빠져 있죠. 전 이렇게 복잡하고, 한편으로는 인간적인 인물상을 되게 좋아합니다. 악인이지만 왠지 모르게 친근하고 그렇지 않나요? 저만 그런가...아무튼 위안거리가 있다면 현 시점 이화의 '친구' 중에서는 제일 강하다는 점이겠네요. 그곳에서는 행복하겠죠? [2]
- It's Kkulbeol! I'll try to solve a short story today. In one word, you can call this guy an unfortunate genius. There are many talented people ahead of Ihwa, but Jintae Yang is the kind of friend whose luck doesn't follow. But the funny thing is that's one of the reasons why I love Jintae Yang. A strong man with skill. Even though everyone knows it, somewhere overcast and inferior for some reason. I like it to be this complicated, and on the other hand, a human figure. He's a villain but friendly for some reason, right? Am I the only one... Anyway, if there is any consolation, I guess he is the strongest among Ihwa's “friends” at the moment. You'll be happy there, won't you? (Translated into English from Google Translate)