Number Nine is a Gift user and former employee for Chain Logis. He was once a deliveryman for the currier division of the business as he worked for the retired villain for years.
In between The Torch Arc and Nostra City Arc, Nine quit and left the company when the Hero Clan started freezing their assets before starting a manhunt on Chain. Afterward, he started working for the clan.
Nine is a young man with light tone skin and black hair with his eyes being the same color. He appears to be of the average height.
He was typically seen wearing a long sleeve white formal uniform and black pants with shoes of the same color and wore a currier vest was that was associated with Chain Logis' company.
Since joining the Hero Clan, Nine retains this appearance but switch to a vest associated with the clan.
Nine is confident in his abilities having believed he could take on Hero Killer.
District 17 Assault Arc[]
Hero Candidate Arc[]
Nostra City Arc[]
He have a very weak invisiblity power.